It has been brought to my attention that my blog of late has been angry, hateful, and unfair.
I agree with that assessment.
I have been angry, absolutely outraged. I feel almost as bad as if mine were one of those marriages now put in jeopardy. I feel threatened, my beliefs and way of life attacked, and betrayed by people I have come to respect and trust.
However, in my anger, I became blind to the sensibilities of those same people that I do so love and respect. I have been needlessly offensive because I was offended. I have reacted to the actions of a body of people and hurt individuals. I am so sorry for this.
I am old enough to know that it's not going to solve a damned thing. I'm also old enough to have very few outlets for feelings like the absolute disbelief and rage I have felt. I'm not marching on anybody's temple; I find violence and vandalism in the name of any cause abhorrent. I let off my steam here, in my blog, and I crossed the line.
I am so very sorry. I have had a stone tied to my heart since I realized how hurtful some of my posts have been. If I had been on the receiving end of the same, I would have gone absolutely nuclear.
I thank the gods that I have wonderful, courageous people in my life like my mother in law and sister in law who are willing to set me on my ass and tell me they are angry. It takes a lot of guts to do that with family and I am humbled and instructed by it. It is thanks to them that I am able to see this from another angle.
I love my LDS family, without exception or qualification. I have to remember to hold that separate from politics.
I am so, so sorry for any harm I have done here. Please understand it was never my intention, though it may look that way. I just needed to scream and be heard. I'm not excusing myself or justifying what I said, but trying to explain.
I, too, am learning to be tolerant. These are the times that try our souls.
All apologies are rendered with a contrite heart and a sincere wish to make this right.
I am sorry.
One Witch's PantheaCons
5 years ago
1 comment:
We have a catch phrase in the family Phil and I have created. "I respectfully disagree" which means no amount of shouting or "discussing" will change our opinions. That's when we move on to a less emotionally wrought topic and concede that the other view is no less valid to that person.
When Phil and I met he was a BLEEDING heart liberal and I was attending George Bush's first inaugural ball in D.C. (LOL!) But we realized our love for each other would overcome our radically different political views. Of course as marriage goes, I'm now more liberal and he's more conservative as we both have become independent centrists.
I absolutely understand your hurt, so does Emily. We actually agree with you more than you may think. As we have several, very close friends, who are suffering over this issue. Our hearts hurt for them. Especially as we try to make peace with the internal conflict of two equally important and warring belief systems. Ask John, Tiana, or Mom. Our love, especially for Tyson, knows no bounds. There should be legal rights for all couples in monogamous relationships. But in word usage we "respectfully disagree". You have EVERY right to your opinion. And we aren't asking you to change it. And yet!!! We love you, we love John. And we ABSOLUTELY think you are the best thing to ever happen to him. :-)
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