So, my SIL Amy tagged me. I've never been tagged before! Very exciting...
Seven random facts about Meg...
1. There are several types of small foods (M&Ms, Chex, Goldfish) that when I eat them I carefully split the center seam with my bottom teeth and divide them in my mouth. It's almost pathological- I can't seem to stop and have always done it this way.
2. When I can't sleep, I rub my feet together. It's immensely comforting.
3. I'm terrified of crabs. I fear no member of the animal kingdom, but crabs make me rubbery with horror. My darling John recently invited me to hold and touch some washed-up dead crabs on the shore, and that seems to have helped. But live ones give me the absolute creeps. Also, once when I was trying to text my best friend about some crabs I saw, I meant to type "filthy crabs," but my cellphone predicted "filthy arabs." Hilarity ensued.
4. When I am sick in bed, I like to watch "The Neverending Story." It cures what ails me.
5. I re-read books all the time. I've read "Gone With the Wind" so many times I can almost recite it.
6. I learned to speak Klingon from a series of audio tapes when I was in junior high.
7. I lived in the straight-up ghetto for a number of years. I can tell excellent stories about learning to Freak in sixth grade, prostitutes, drug dealers, and how to buy cheap electronics.
1 comment:
Ok I'm in, how do you buy cheap electronics?
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