Patriarchy. Young-Earth Creationists. People who can’t drive. Bad writers. Bad spellers. Ignorance. Self-centeredness. Entitlement. Spoiled kids. People who take what they have for granted. People who won’t listen. Rigid ideology. The distribution of wealth. The price of school. The price of housing. The price of gas. The war. The fact that my car runs on gas. Unemployment. Smugness. Shoes. Rape as warfare. Genital mutilation. The fact that nobody understands that circumsicion IS genital mutilation. The death of the women’s movement. The right-hand ring. Propaganda. Advertising. Big Brother. Wisdom teeth. Hormones. Narrow mindedness. Failure of imagination. Guilt. Lack of lightning-quick inspiration. Apathy. Hopelessness. Toxic chemicals in fucking EVERYTHING. Lactose. Casein. The cost of insurance. The total lack of give-a-damn the uninsured can expect. Contempt for folk healing. Contempt for folk wisdom. Modern medicine. Modern childbirth. Drug culture. Addiction. Side effects. Low expectations. Celebrity cults. Money. Money making the world go around. Money being the only thing that walks, talks, or greases the wheels. Money keeping me up at night. The housing market. The boarded up old places in town that I’d love to pour my heart into, but can’t. Smoking. Kids whose parents let them play Halo when they’re under ten. Kids being raised by GTA3, or Saw IV, or ignored in favor of WoW. Homophobia. Creedism. People who build treehouses with a big "No ____ Allowed!" signs. TV. Wanton stupidity. Prescription drug commercials. Doctors. Retail. Relationships. Family. Life.
The fact that all I can do about any of this is blog.
One Witch's PantheaCons
5 years ago